Thursday, January 18, 2007

Four Hotcakes of the Apocalypse

According to the NY Times, Bob Evans' entrance into the blogosphere may be a signal of the marketing apocalypse. Stuart, we definitely appreciate your humor - who would have thought that the company that started on a farm more than 50 years ago in southeastern Ohio would be joining the blogosphere?!? Saying that, step back and think about what a blog is - casual conversation enabled by open lines of honest communication and a responsive author - add a side of sausage gravy and some hotcakes and that definitely sounds like the type of conversation you'd have with one of our servers at the counter at Bob Evans. Think of our blog as an extension of that conversation - only you'll have to get your coffee to-go when you're headed to your computer .

We're very excited to open lines of communications with those who are passionate about our brand and our products. Join the conversation and tell about your Bob Evans stories (just about everyone we meet has one). Sit down, grab your cup of coffee and let's chat.


Anonymous said...

I like your posts but it's disappointing that you've gone a month without posting.

Anonymous said...

I like your posts but it's disappointing that you've gone a month without posting.